Go on, laugh at me
I wasn't going to write about this as it is quite possibly the stupidest thing that's ever happened to me. But Jukka (who, for some reason, always seems to call me when I'm home on sick leave) managed to convince me that this is a story worth telling. And I'll even write it in English to humour my international audience (?) too.
So, I was walking to my office this morning as I thought a nice walk in the morning would be good for me. Oh, how wrong I was about that! On the way, I stopped to get some milk for my morning coffee: I was actually looking forward to getting to work as I had a clear plan of all the things I'd get done after a nice big mug of fresh coffee. I paid for the milk, as you do. This is where a perfectly nice day started to go wrong big time. As I was leaving the shop I dropped a 2 € coin, bent over to pick it up and suddenly felt the nastiest slashing kind of pain in my upper right thigh, or, to be honest, my arse. I very nearly fell over as this stupid muscle just suddenly decided to stop cooperating with me and, naturally, my first reaction was to shout out all the rude words I could think of (which wasn't that many, really, as the pain made it quite hard to concentrate on swearing). I bravely pretended to the shop lady that everything's ok and limped away biting my lip.
I tried to survive at work for a bit but walking hurt too much, sitting hurt too much and standing hurt too much so off I went to see a doctor. Having spent three hours at the doctor's and having got some nice ultra sound pictures of my upper thigh, I eventually got sent home with a packet of painkillers that should keep me happy for the weekend.
Most of you know that I pick up coins from the ground all the time. Some of you might also know that I'm fairly flexible. One might think that my experience in the field of coin-picking and flexibility due to being double-jointed combined with the fact that, being so very short, I'm always fairly close to the ground this wouldn't happen to me. But it did. I broke my arse for two euros.
So, I was walking to my office this morning as I thought a nice walk in the morning would be good for me. Oh, how wrong I was about that! On the way, I stopped to get some milk for my morning coffee: I was actually looking forward to getting to work as I had a clear plan of all the things I'd get done after a nice big mug of fresh coffee. I paid for the milk, as you do. This is where a perfectly nice day started to go wrong big time. As I was leaving the shop I dropped a 2 € coin, bent over to pick it up and suddenly felt the nastiest slashing kind of pain in my upper right thigh, or, to be honest, my arse. I very nearly fell over as this stupid muscle just suddenly decided to stop cooperating with me and, naturally, my first reaction was to shout out all the rude words I could think of (which wasn't that many, really, as the pain made it quite hard to concentrate on swearing). I bravely pretended to the shop lady that everything's ok and limped away biting my lip.
I tried to survive at work for a bit but walking hurt too much, sitting hurt too much and standing hurt too much so off I went to see a doctor. Having spent three hours at the doctor's and having got some nice ultra sound pictures of my upper thigh, I eventually got sent home with a packet of painkillers that should keep me happy for the weekend.
Most of you know that I pick up coins from the ground all the time. Some of you might also know that I'm fairly flexible. One might think that my experience in the field of coin-picking and flexibility due to being double-jointed combined with the fact that, being so very short, I'm always fairly close to the ground this wouldn't happen to me. But it did. I broke my arse for two euros.
At 1:22 pm,
Katri Söder said…
Ehkäpä se kävely oli se, josta peppusi ei pitänyt. Liikunta on siis vaarallista.Ainakin minulle käy niin, että joka kerta kun päätän että nyt alkaa terve elämä, sairastun pahasti ja joudun lykkäämään suunnitelmiani. Tai sitten reväytän jonkun paikan. Joka tapauksessa, parane pian, täällä työpaikalla sinua kaivataan jo!
At 3:08 pm,
Jukka said…
It's very simple. There are two options to keep your derierre (that's French for peppu) in full working order:
1. You start stretching after your swims, all the paddling around has made you stiff.
2. You get a pay raise, because you deserve it, and then you won't have to go picking up coins off the ground, due to the fact that you'll be rolling in the green stuff, and I ain't talking about grass.
At 3:43 pm,
Arto J. Virtanen said…
Jukka has a point there;) Poor people tend to feel sick more often than the wealthier. So socialdemocracy finally must solve also the health related problems!
And, as a minor comment, you don`t necessarily have to write everything here;)
"Some of you might also know that I'm fairly flexible."
At 4:00 pm,
Veera said…
By people who know how flexible I am I was, naturally, referring to those who I exercise with. Just last week Katri was amazed by all the ways I was able to bend my body during stretching after a good workout. It's just your dirty imagimation that reads anything else in my flexibility ;)
At 5:44 pm,
Anonymous said…
I found this story through Jukka's blog, and what a feelgood story it is. It makes the days of every other individual in the world feel a little bit better about their own lives.
No matter how bad my days turn out, I am yet to break my arse.
Sunshine to you!
At 7:10 pm,
Veera said…
Yes, I aim to make other people's life just that little bit better - even if it hurts me really bad :)
Thanks for the sunshine and linking my blog!
At 7:26 pm,
Anonymous said…
So Veera does this mean that the sun shines out of your... ?
Haahaa I'm funny, I am just too damn funny. Funny with a big F
At 7:31 pm,
Jukka said…
In addition to being immensley funny I am ridiculously thick. So the above comment was mine, only I have trouble remembering my name.
At 7:32 pm,
Veera said…
Haha, how very funny... not!
Besides I'm feeling just great again, went running again this morning, there's not a care in the world.
(Well, we all know that's not true but never mind)
At 6:00 pm,
Hanna Sirén said…
Hihhihhii, hauskoja juttuja! En ole varma, olemmeko tavanneet (Hanna, hei) mutta eksyin lukemaan blogiasi ja se sai hyvälle tuulelle, varsinkin näin sairaslomalaisena.
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